Exterior Painting

Transform and Preserve Your Home with Pro Painters
Gallery (Exterior) Pro Painters #1 Professional Painting Company in Michigan
Premier Paint Professionals

Pro Painters Exterior Painting Services

Pro Painters offers extraordinary paint jobs, spending extra time on preparing and repairing the exterior of your home. We offer a wide range of services to help you transform the exterior of your home, including color consultation, power washing, wood replacement, repair, caulking, and painting. We can simply maintain your current color scheme or give your exterior a complete makeover and new look. Our team of experienced professional painters uses only premium materials and equipment to ensure that your home’s exterior stays preserved and protected for years to come.

Why Choose Us

The Pro Painters Difference

We pride ourselves in ensuring every job is done to perfection. When it comes to job execution, our expert team never cuts corners. We guarantee proper surface preparation on every job. Every exterior paint starts with a careful power wash. Thorough surface preparation guarantees great results, and we wouldn’t be a premier choice if we cut corners. We start by prepping your home and power washing to remove dirt and particles. Our artisan painters always do what is right to produce the best outcome for your home.

If you’re ready to transform your home into a beautiful and inviting showplace, contact Pro Painters today to schedule your estimate and let us help you create the home of your dreams. Let us show you why we’re the top choice for all your painting needs in the Metro Detroit area.

Pro Painters #1 Professional Exterior Painting Company in Michigan

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